Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I love you, goodbye.

Lyric from: DON'T CHANGE YOUR PLANS, by ben folds five

Friends, romans, countrymen. I apologise. For everything. Ever. Really.

Esk, Emily, Azure, all those strangers (and people who became not so strange) who got any kind of bizarre pleasure from my weird and wonderful adventures and journeys and first steps as a child of 25 [lyric by Snow Patrol], I thank you. I have no idea why you kept coming back here, but thank you.

In my course of time, I meant nobody any harm. A journal is a journal. I tried to be honest here to nobody to myself, for a change. And for the people in question for whom I have removed Release The Doves permanently, I honestly believe there was nothing here that was in any way personally offensive to you.

Strangers, should you feel compelled to keep in contact, email Viola at releasethedoves (at) yahoo (dot) com (dot) au - perhaps I'll try this again when I leave the country, although of course you all realise by now that Viola is not a real person.

Things don't change. They just redefine.
~ Viola Has Wings ~

1 comment:

Unknown said...

what happened here?